Team DevelopmentTrustAlignmentResults
High performing teams achieve superior business results and higher levels of individual satisfaction for team members. Within a high performing team there is a sense of trust, focus on results, with a commitment to a shared vision, values, and goals.
Anson Australia has more than 20 years’ experience building high performing teams at all levels from Executive teams to front line staff. We use both highly developed workshop series and customised solutions depending on the specific development needs for your team.
As part of our team development offerings, Anson Australia provides:
- High performing teams program
- Team effectiveness program
- Tailored team development programs
Our tailored team development programs include:
- Team diagnostic – online assessment
The team diagnostic would typically examine the following elements: Leadership, Attention to results, Team communication, Trust, Team relationships, Accountability, Commitment and alignment to goals.
- Individual interview diagnostic
Structured one-on-one discussions with team members to both engage them in the process and understand team strengths and development areas.
- Team development workshops
Focussing on skills development and building stronger teams, our workshops are interactive, involving group discussion, real-time feedback, team exercises and facilitator led discussion on current research on teams.
- Team action plan
Usually developed at the first workshop and revised at following workshops, the team action plan comprises key commitments and actions to implement to develop the team’s effectiveness.
- Team charter
The team charter is a documented agreement which forms the basis of ‘how’ the team will operate to achieve success. This charter builds a sense of ownership and team accountability for behaviour.
- Strategy and operationalising strategy
Anson Australia is experienced in developing and supporting leaders to effectively develop and operationalise strategy for successful implementation. Our approach is built from our knowledge and experience as strategic planning practitioners, as well as the key contextual insights we have gained through our diverse experience working with public sector Executives on strategic planning and reform projects. We utilise our experience with contemporary and best practice approaches to strategic planning and thinking, in combination with our skills in Executive Coaching.
Our team have over 20 years’ experience providing strategic advice and facilitating strategy development, designing practical road maps for implementation and review. Our processes are designed to lift capabilities in strategic thinking, integrating our knowledge of leadership development theories and practice with relevant strategy tools and techniques. We use a combination of content and application to facilitate key developmental insights and revelations through immersive and evidence-based learning.
In my role as Executive Director Ticketing and Concessions TfNSW, I have engaged Anson Australia over the past four years in team, leadership and culture development programs. Julie’s insightful approach and sound methodologies have assisted myself and my team to become more effective and mature.