Culture DevelopmentDiagnosticAnalysisChange
The distinguishing feature of leading organisations is their culture. We know that leadership drives culture and vice versa. Ultimately, the culture of an organisation drives performance.
At Anson Australia, we partner with organisations to define and develop the right culture to achieve sustainable success. Our approach involves a high level of engagement and buy-in from staff to the culture development process.
As part of our culture development offerings, Anson Australia provides:
- Executive team forums
A critical feature of our approach is working initially with the Executive team on the ‘burning platform’ for culture change, ‘why now?’. Anson ensures alignment of culture, strategy and organisational performance.
- Culture diagnostics
This involves mapping the existing and preferred culture of the organisation by using tools such as the Organisation Culture Inventory (OCI). Other tailored tools can also be utilised according to the needs of the business.
- Focus groups
The conduct of focus groups builds both engagement and an understanding of the organisational culture through story telling. Focus groups are conducted for staff at all levels across various locations in the business to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the culture.
- Analysis and identification of cultural gaps
Through analysis from both focus groups and/or diagnostics, Anson can clearly identify strengths in the existing culture, cultural drivers, and gaps between the existing and preferred culture. Culture gaps are identified which form the basis of key culture development actions.
- Culture development action plans
Culture development action plans are critical to focus an organisation on the key actions required to build the preferred culture. We develop action plans that are realistic, focussed, and achieve real behaviour change.
- Workshops / Town halls
Workshops / Town halls provide an opportunity to showcase culture development action plans and gain commitment and ownership down to the individual level.
Measurable results were evident in a very short time with a complete change in team culture to one of collaboration, support and the ability understand and adapt to differences. The Program was a stellar success meeting all its deadlines through seemingly impossible hurdles and Anson Australia were recognised as being a pivotal influence in that achievement.